The Weather Is Following Me
So. I move from Miami to Maine and the tropical weather follows me. I cannot believe I'm having a conversation about hurricanes and tropical storms in Maine. YES, I know, the NE has had them before but it's not normal. It's not like FL or TX or other Gulf states or even NC. It's fricken New England.
Anyway, I'm not worried because a) it's traveled over land quite a bit which means it will lose strength and b) it's in cold waters which means it will lose strength. We have "Tropical Storm" warnings here...which, despite how The Weather Channel likes to hype everything, a TS is really nothing to lose sleep over. Some places will flood because the NE has had a lot of rain fall this summer as it is and the ground is, flooding, sure. But the entire eastern seaboard being swallowed up and spat out in splinters like the media is acting? No.
Here we are supposed to receive about 2" of rain. Meh. It is raining pretty good right now. I took the dogs out just as it was getting started and got drenched in minutes. A little thunder but nothing much, really. It's possible if it rains a lot I could have some water come in to the house, but I hope not.
I picked up my stuff from around the yard, planters, snow shovel, rake, things like that to be secure. My neighbors? Nothing. So, even though I try to make the place safer, they do not care and if the wind does pick up, some shit is going to fly around...which is never good. And I will hold them personally responsible if ANYTHING of theirs slams in to my car or any of my windows and ruins my things.
We are supposed to get the "major" stuff around 2pm or so...on in to the evening and night. We'll see what happens.
JUST in case we lose power, I have charged up my flashlight, (it runs on batteries or can be charged), I have my Gilligan radio, I charged up my cell phone, I charged up my Kindle...gonna need some sort of entertainment, I already have tons of candles because I like them and how they smell so that's not a biggie. I did get food for myself but did not restock the freezer with the pets' food just in case. That's too much money to lose. They have enough to get them through another week anyway. As long as I keep the freezer closed, we should be good for at least 4 or 5 days.
What I do not like, though, are tornadoes. And that is the problem with storms like this...not so much the "hurricane" aspect because if it's a Cat 1 or a Tropical Storm, (TS), meh, I've seen windier and rainier days in Seattle. But tornadoes? No thank you. NOT my thing! I do not like them, I do not want to be in one so tornadoes can stay the fuck away from me. We have some little hills around here so maybe that will deter one but you never know.
As long as power stays on and no tornadoes...should be a whole lot of nothing but a rainy and windy day. I can deal with that.
What I do not get? The people who insist on going outside DURING the storm. Nok that shit off! Stay in your damn house. And even after the storm is over, if you don't have to be outside, stay in your damn house! WTF! Most people are killed during and after the storm because they can't follow this one simple fricken rule. Stay. In. Your. Damn. House!
If anything gets worse, I'll let you know. I'm a little concerned about the ceiling in the 2nd bedroom because it's already looking bad, I've told the landlord about how it leaks every time it rains, it's now splitting in one area...and she's done nothing about it. I moved a lot away from that area...but who knows what would happen if that were to collapse. I think I'd be getting free rent for awhile, that's what.
I Have To Be In The Twilight Zone
Since moving up to Maine, I have been applying for live sex jobs and I have to tell you, I'm really starting to wonder what world I have entered. I'm sure this isn't special to Maine but how businesses are operating these days because so many people are looking for jobs. The employers can get away with things because there's what, 10 people per job out there? I'm finding out real fast which businesses are good and which ones are disgustingly unethical.
And I would also like to add a head smack moment because now, apparently, there are ADS to go through when you're just trying to apply. Seriously. ADS!
I applied for a particular job and was called to verify everything on the resume/application. I was told that the call could take up to 25 minutes, (how does it take 25 minutes to verify everything, I innocently wondered), and please make sure I have that time before continuing.
I'm pretty much unemployed, (very part time job but for the most part, unemployed), so I have all the time in the world, let's get to it.
We go over my name, address, and college and THAT is where I hear the ad. Would I like to continue school at some time in the future, I am asked. Well of course! When would that be, I was asked. As soon as I find a job that pays me well enough that I can do that and live. So you are interested in continuing school at some in the future, so would you be willing to accept financial aid to do it, I am asked.
My radar starts to tick.
What the hell is this?
I answer, "No, I want to pay for my school outright, so no." (Not true, I would take a grant but I'm not taking out a student loan but that is NOT their business, I'm just applying for a fricken job on!)
"So if you found a job that paid you well enough that you could pay for school, you would be interested in attending a school online?"
WTF?!? Are you assholes actually trying to sell me something? I'm just looking for a fucking job!
"Online? No, I would not go to school online."
This is not true. IF I found a school that was legit and accredited, then yes, I would but I WILL choose which school, do NOT try to sell me some crap like Phoenix Online or whatever it's called because we all know, by now, it's bullshit. I just want to apply for a job, thank you.
Well, that pretty much ended the phone call. They said they would review the application and should I meet their qualifications, (which I do), they would let me know.
Which I'm thinking they won't because I refused their online schooling spiel.
And before you ask, YES, it's a legit job, YES, it's a legit company...I look them all up before I apply. I just can't get over a fucking commercial when I'm trying to apply for a job. Are they getting kickbacks for this? What the hell is the deal?
And if you think that's weird, I have one doozy of another story but frankly, I'm far too exhausted from the other one to write about it here just yet. Maybe in time. Not just yet. I have told some friends and they are pretty much floored as well as I am. You may be floored as well. What I do know is that some companies are being extremely unethical these days, taking severe advantage of desperate people looking for work and it is not right.
That's ok. I'm making a list and I will keep it so that if/when the economy gets better, and things are more in favor of the potential employees, I'm going to do to them as they did to me. And the first thing I'm going to do is name the companies on that list and why they are on that list. Yes, indeed.
Looking For A Place To Start Over?
So by now, just about everyone, (with exception of extremely rich), have felt the impact of the imploding housing bubble, the unemployment rate, the more expensive foods, etc. It is rough out there. It is no picnic whatsoever. And some of you may be thinking about packing it all up and finding greener pastures. But where to go? What area is up and coming?
Ever thought about Las Vegas real estate?
Even though times are hard, people still travel. People still go on their vacations and people still spend money. I can vouche for this as I worked in the tourism industry and even after everything fell apart the people still came. Tourism numbers can fluctuate, of course, but there will always be tourists and in some countries, the tourists have quite a bit of money to spend. Consider China, who seems to own most of the world now. We had a lot of Chinese tourists who would come to our place. They spend their money like it's going out of style. That is extremely good for jasminelive businesses.
In Las Vegas, those Chinese tourists are starting to show up and they are spending. Everyone knows Vegas as a fun place to go on vacation whether it be for a night or a week and people spend their money in Vegas. Some people have a whole lot of money to burn, like many Chinese tourists. We give them money every day when we buy products made in China. Some Chinese are doing quite well these days and if they want to bring that money back by spending it in resort towns or fun, exciting places like Las Vegas, I say "Welcome China!"
The point is, when tourist dollars are pouring in, it's much easier to find jobs that pay well. When you have a job that pays well, you are able to afford a really nice home, apartment or condo and live a good life. If you were to take a look, I think you would be surprised. Some of the las vegas high rise condos are running between $60,000 to around $170,000 and are NICE. Of course, if you are wealthy, Las Vegas has multi million dollar high rise condos for you, as well.
Maybe you have never been to Las Vegas and you think it's nothing but desert, brown, dry and boring. You could not be further from reality. Las Vegas is actually in a really nice area with lakes and mountains around. For example, in the northwest region of Vegas is a little area where you can find homes for sale in Summerlin. Summerlin is a 22,500 acre oasis surrounded by majestic mountains and has beautiful double tree lined streets as well as gorgeous views of the entire Las Vegas valley.
Maybe you're a water person and want to live near the water. You might be thinking there's no big bodies of water in Vegas. Again, you would be wrong. You can find stunning homes in Lake Las Vegas running anywhere from $150,000 up to the millions. Lake Las Vegas is a fresh water lake and the community is very well planned opting for a Mediterranean theme. Gorgeous places to live in this area.
So if you're looking to pioneer to a new location, start fresh, try something different and want to live in an extraordinarily nice area that will always have booming business thanks to the millions of tourists who visit each and every year, think about Vegas. It has everything a person could want.
Find out how easy it is to find your new home for your new life in your new city, with the following video:
Take a trip to Vegas, do a bit of gambling for fun and then check out the rest of the area and see how wonderful life really can be.
And Speaking Of All Hallow's Eve
I have finally found It. I have been in Misery the whole three months I've been here because I could not find what I was looking for, but now? I know where to go.
There will be a neat little surprise on this site on Halloween. It won't be a Pet Semetery nor a Bag of Bones. You won't see The Eyes of a Dragon and we are not going to play Gerald's Game. But you may need a Dreamcatcher if you're unlucky enough to fall asleep. If you are lucky, you will lie there, for hours, eyes wide open as you toss and turn in Desperation, trying so hard to fall asleep, only to suffer from Insomnia after you see what I have for you.
So, go call The Colorado, Carrie and Christine on your Cell, tell them to take a left at The Dark Tower, walk down the Green Mile and meet you at the Black House. Once you are all there, tell them Lisey's Story three times while looking in the mirror. Then go behind the house to the shed and stand Under The Dome light and repeat "11/22/63" until the Cycle of the Werewolf begins. When The Shining moon appears from behind the Dark Half of the clouds, stand clear of the Dead Zone, open your laptop, and read!
My Brain Is Tired
Have you ever done this?
You walk in to a room to get something, you get to the room, stop, think and completely forget why you were there or what you came for? After much staring off in to space to try to will your mind to remember, you abandon the idea, knowing it will come to you later. You walk away and go to do something else. Naturally, within 20-30 seconds, you remember why you were going to that first room. So, you go back to the first room to get what you had intended to get, get to the room, stop, think and once again, completely forget what you came for.
I tend to enjoy the company of people who make my brain work. I like those who can play up words, have a very strong grasp of the English language and force me to use my creativity; get those wheels turning. It delights me, for one and it strengthens my brain, for another.
Unfortunately, sometimes it seems we find ourselves around people who don't tend to exercise their brains all that much. After four years at my previous job with people just like that, I have said that I felt I had dropped IQ points, that my brain was being fried, that I was not as "with it" and alert, my memory not as good, my cognitive abilities rusty.
It wasn't just me talking. It is true.
As we get older, it is so vitally important that we continue to exercise our brain, to work the brain, to keep it strong. It's not just a mental thing, it also makes a huge difference in your physical well being. Anyone who has been around the types of people I have described in my stories knows that. A person can start to feel stress, can become weaker, lazier, less active and all of that affects your health. The first step to keeping healthy is to ensure that your brain is healthy.
So I found this site called Cognifit that does brain training. Yes, brain training. If you don't have anyone around you who can keep your brain working, who can force you to exercise it at a higher level, you're going to need this brain training.
The first thing I did was take the test to see where I stood.
Not good. I used to be so much better than this but my poor little brain got no activity for four years! It was rarely stimulated. I did not have intelligent conversations, there was no push to work my brain, to better it, to exercise it. And it got mushy! That's embarrassing!
Not only is it embarrassing, it explains a LOT with how I feel lately. I'm tired. All I want to do is sleep. My brain is asleep so my body wants to sleep. My brain is out of shape. It's flabby, lazy, sitting on the couch watching mindless re-runs of M*A*S*H and eating Cheetos by the bagful. It doesn't want to go out and do anything, enjoy the sunshine. All it wants to do is sleep and veg.
My brain used to be sharp! It could catch anything subtle. My memory was a thing of legend. People were in awe of my memory. In fact, in school, I was the only one out of all of my classmates who was able to memorize The Highwayman and recite it in front of the class. Oh, some tried but they failed because they did not have a brain as sharp as mine.
Another thing I've noticed is that over the years, my hand/eye co-ordination has gotten worse. I'm not as quick with the mouse as I used to be. I drop things all the time. I miss. I am not able to grab that ball out of the air that was thrown to me unannounced. I used to be able to do all of this.
My brain is in dire need of serious exercise. Thankfully this site helps people do just that. It helps people work on memory, focus, attention and perception. While you will see how you stand against the rest of the world, (and I WILL get to the point of above average because I will not settle for less), after you take the assessment test, (where I found out how dumb I got in time), you will begin training that is tailored to your needs, not the needs of other people.
The great part about it is that you can do this in your own home, it only takes about an hour a week and you can greatly improve your skills. The best part about it is that it's FREE. That's right, FREE brain training so that you don't forget why you walked in to the room, so that you don't walk around dropping things left and right or you can up your A game in any sports you take part in, your memory will improve, your attention span and attention to detail will improve, your focus will improve and your perception will improve. For free.
Sign up, (for free), take the assessment test, take an hour each week to train and watch how your entire life, your health and your happiness starts to improve.